HTML Tutorial

HTML Bold Tag

Tags for making the text bold Sometimes, you might want some text on your web page to be displayed in bold, so as to grab user attention, or for describing this text as important. Obviously, you need to use some tag to achieve this. We have b tag for making the text bold. The text

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HTML Heading

Tags for Heading (h1 – h6) Well, many times, when we visit some website, very often, we find some kind of heading, for the document, or for a certain section or something else, but there are some headings present in the document, to get the user’s attention to that particular section. Using the heading tags,

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HTML Title Tag

Title Tag in HTML As the name suggests, the title represents the title of the web page, which is contained in the browser’s title bar. Within the head, we are having the title tag present. The title tag is used to give some title to the web page, which is viewed on the browser’s title

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HTML Head Tag

Head Tag in HTML The head tag contains the metadata (data about the data). This is present after the HTML tag starts and before the body tag starts. Well, metadata is something that is not important for the user. Like, such as the encoding format, viewport details, etc. This is also one of the essential

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HTML Tags The HTML tag is the root element of all the other tags. The thing is that this tag is the container for all the other HTML elements. It also contains the lang attribute, which specifies the language of the web page. Well, this tag would be present in every HTML code, since it

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Ordered List HTML

Ordered List HTML Well, many times, you might have seen an ordered list on some webpage. By order, we mean that the markers are there following some order. There are some different marker types as well, that we can set. We can have some alphabetically ordered markers, or numerical(which are by default), or even some

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