Difference between JSON and XML

Difference between JSON and XML

Now, we are going to have a look at the difference between JSON and XML. XML, or Extensible Markup Language, is also a popular language designed to store and transport data. So, we are going to have a brief look at the difference between JSON, and XML. Have a look –

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.
In JSON we use extension .jsonIn XML, we use extension .xml
An array is supported in JSONAn array is not supported in XML.
It is the way of representing objects.It is a markup language and uses a tag structure to represent data items.
It does not provide any support for namespaces.It supports namespaces.
JSON does not support comments.XML supports comments.
It supports UTF-8 encoding.It supports various encoding Formats.

So, these were some different points of difference between JSON and XML. You can go through them, and also explore more about both XML and JSON.

Till now, we have learned many different concepts related to JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation. We hope that you have understood the concepts, and would apply them as and when required. Other than this, you can also explore more concepts, and use it in different languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, etc. So, in this way, we have come to an end of this interesting JSON course! As you move ahead now, you can learn many other new things, and advance in many different skills! Happy Learning!