Operators in C

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about different types of operators in C language. We can use these different operators for doing different kinds of operations, like arithmetic operations, comparison operations, logical operations, etc. Having the knowledge of these different operators in C language is essential, since with them, we can do many different operations. There are various types of operators, and here is a list of operators that we are going to have a look at gradually.

Operators in C

Types of Operators in C

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • bitwise operators

As we move forward, you would be exploring them individually in greater depth. Later on, when you would do some different programs, and in those programs, when you would use these different operators for different operations, you would get the concept, and the need for these operators.

But here, let’s have a look at them in a quick brief.

Arithmetic operators – Using the arithmetic operators, we can simply perform some arithmetic operations on the data, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. So, as and when required, you can use these arithmetic operators in your C programs.

Assignment operators – The assignment operators are used for assignment purposes, which simply means that we can use these operators for assigning some values to some variable. At times, you might require to use some assignment operator for assignment purposes, in your C programs.

Relational Operators – With the relational operators, we can perform comparisons on the data. For example, we can check for equality of the values, check if some value is greater than another, and so on.

Logical Operators – Using the logical operators, we can check if some expression is true or false.
At times, you would require using the logical operators in your C programs, especially when dealing with multiple conditions while using the if-else statements.

Bitwise operators – As the name says, these operators are used whenever you are required to perform operations on bits(binary digits).

You can explore these operators individually in greater detail, and try to use them in your programs.

If you find this tutorial to be interesting, you can explore our other tutorials related to C programming language to learn more about C programming language. You can also explore our other courses, related to Python, Machine learning, and Data Science, through which, you can upskill yourself.

FAQs related to operators in C 

Q: State different operators in C?

Ans: Here are some of the operators in C language
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Assignment Operators
3. Logical Operators
4. Relational Operators
5. Bitwise Operators

Q: What are arithmetic operators?

Ans: Arithmetic operators are used to performing some arithmetic operations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. on the data.

Q: What are logical operators?

Ans: The logical operators are used to simply check if some expression is true or false.

Q: What are assignment operators?

Ans: Assignment operators are used for assignment purposes, which means assigning some value to some variable. There are different operator symbols that we can use here.

Q: What are bitwise operators?

Ans: Using the bitwise operators, we can perform operations on bits(binary digits).

Q: What are relational operators?

Ans: Relational operators are used for making comparisons, like checking if some value is equal to another value, greater than another value, and so on.