C program to find the area of a circle

C program to find the area of a circle

In this program, we are going to discuss how to calculate the area of a circle in c. so let’s start!

Example –

Input –

So first step we are going to take input from the user so we take the radius as 12.


To calculate the area of the circle you must know the formula to calculate the area of the circle that is :

Area = 3.14 * r * r;


Enter the radius of the circle:22
The area of a circle is 1519.760010

Method 1:

So let us start to implement this formula in our program.

int main()
int radius;
float area;
printf(“Enter the radius of the circle: “);
scanf(“%d”, &radius);
area = 3.14 * radius * radius;
printf(“The radius of the circle is %f”, area);
return 0;


Enter the radius of the circle: 12
The radius of the circle is 452.160004

Method 2 – by using the function

float area(int radius){
float area;
area = 3.14 * radius *radius;
return area;

int main()
int radius;

printf(“Enter the radius of the circle:”);
scanf(“%d”, &radius);
printf(“The area of the circle is %f”, area(radius));
return 0;


Enter the radius of the circle:2
The area of the circle is 12.560000

In the first method, we simply calculate the area of a triangle by using a simple method in the second method we calculate the area of a triangle by using the function, I hope these programs are helpful to you to understand the concept to calculate the area of a triangle.