Home ”सदी के महानायक” और बॉलीवुड के शहंशाह अमिताभ बच्चन के जबरदस्त 21+ सर्वश्रेष्ठ अनमोल सुविचार Frankly I’ve never really subscribed to these adjectives tagging me as an ‘icon’, ‘superstar’, etc. I’ve always thought of myself as an actor doing his job to the best of his ability.

Frankly I’ve never really subscribed to these adjectives tagging me as an ‘icon’, ‘superstar’, etc. I’ve always thought of myself as an actor doing his job to the best of his ability.

It’s a war zone, my body, one which has been through a great deal.

Frankly I’ve never really subscribed to these adjectives tagging me as an ‘icon’, ‘superstar’, etc. I’ve always thought of myself as an actor doing his job to the best of his ability.

I don’t use any techniques; I’m not trained to be an actor. I just enjoy working in films.
The select group of people who do make realistic cinema, who do make cinema perhaps a little more acceptable to the Western audience, is a very small percentage.