Now, while we are going to dive into learning many different concepts related to Python, there can be a question, why should we learn python? Well, this is a perfectly valid question, why should you learn python? Certainly, there are many other programming languages out there, like java, C, C++, and many others. Then why should we learn python?

There are many use cases, situations, and features, where you might feel that… ok… I should go with python.

  • First of all, if you are already familiar with some other programming languages, you can also just learn python as another language to be used.
  • If you are new to the programming world and trying to find a language, which is easy to get started with, with an easy-to-understand syntax, well, python should stand as a good choice for you, since the syntax is short and even more readable, and it is easy to get started with.
  • If you want to get into Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, etc.., you can choose to go with python.
  • There are many different modules/libraries in python, which can help you do many things, and then you do not have to do anything from scratch.
  • Another reason could be the increasing popularity of Python programming language.

There are numerous other reasons, why should you consider learning python, but I think these above reasons are sound for explaining why you should learn python. So, from now, we are going to head up and learn many different concepts related to the python programming language.

So, what are we waiting for, let’s get started!