Python Strings With Examples

At times, we might require to deal with the strings, in our python programs. We can say that Python Strings is one of the most used, and most popular types of data in python. In fact, when we are writing some print function, or we are writing the input function, we are probably making use of the strings at that time. Now, we are going to explore a lot, of strings in python. The string is nothing but a set of characters.

Python Strings

Here, we are going to explore different concepts related to string, like –

  • How to create strings?
  • Calculating the length of the string
  • How to access the string and the characters from the string
  • String concatenation
  • String slicing
  • Escape sequence
  • String methods
    • capitalize method
    • count method
    • find method
    • index method
    • startswith method
    • endswith method
    • isalpha method
    • isdigit method
    • islower method
    • isupper method
    • isspace method
    • replace method
    • upper method
    • lower method
    • center method
    • encode method
    • isalnum method
    • isdecimal method
    • isnumeric method
    • join method
    • ljust method
    • lstrip method
    • rstrip method
    • strip method
    • partition method
    • rfind method
    • rsplit method
    • split method
    • splitlines method
    • title method
    • maketrans method
    • translate method
  • String Formatting
    • String formatting using format method.
    • Formatted string literals(f-strings)

You might be already familiar with the fact, that the input function that we use for taking the user input, returns string-type data, and we need to convert it according to what we are required. So, in a lot of use cases, we would require to work with strings, and so it becomes important to know about strings.

You even know a little bit about how we can create strings. We have been writing the print function, in which, we write the thing that we want to print, and the message gets printed. So, Let’s now have a look at how we can create strings.