Polymorphism in Python With Example

Polymorphism in Python

Polymorphism is one of the principles of object-oriented programming, and we are going to have a look at what is polymorphism, and how we can achieve polymorphism in Python. If you are coming from some other object-oriented programming language, you might be already familiar with the concept, or the name at least. But if you are totally new to the concept, that is also totally fine.

So, polymorphism relates to something that can have many different forms. As we would move ahead, we would understand how we can achieve polymorphism in python here.

Polymorphism in Python

As an example, you can consider the behavior of walking, some animals. Now, many animals like dogs, cats, lions, and humans, can walk, but they all have their own implementations of walking, or let’s say there are different forms of the same behavior, which is walking.

Well, consider this as an example here, and while we explore polymorphism now, you would get a clearer idea, even if you are confused right now.

So, after knowing what polymorphism is, we should now be more interested in knowing how to achieve polymorphism. The thing is that there are 4 ways we can implement polymorphism in Python. These are –

  • Duck typing
  • Operator Overloading
  • Method Overloading.
  • Method Overriding.