Operators in C++

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about different types of operators in C++. Having a good understanding of Operators in C++ is essential, since with the operators, we can do different operations on the data. At times, these operations are necessary to get the desired output. Once you get familiar with these different operators, you would get comfortable using these operators in your C++ programs.

Operators in C++

Here is a list of Operators in C++

You can explore these different operators individually, and understand the use, and importance of the operators. Later on, when you would perform different operations and use these operators there, you can simply become familiar with them, and be comfortable using them.

Using arithmetic operators, we can perform some arithmetic operations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. So, whenever you are required to carry out these operations, you can use the arithmetic operator symbols, which, you can simply explore.

Using Assignment operators, we can perform assignments, which simply means that we can assign some values to some variables.

Using the relational operators, we can perform some comparisons between the operands. For example, we can use these relational operators, when we need to check if some value is equal to the other, greater than the other value, and so on.

Using the logical operators, we can check if some expression is true, or false. Here, we have the logical AND operator, logical OR operator, and logical NOT operator.

When we need to perform operations on bits, we can make use of the bitwise operators. Here, we have the bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise NOT, bitwise XOR, bitwise complement, right shift and left shift.

You can explore these operators individually in greater detail, and try to use them in your programs.

FAQs related to operators in C++

Q: State different operators in C++?

Ans: Here are some of the operators in C++
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Assignment Operators
3. Logical Operators
4. Relational Operators
5. Bitwise Operators

Q: What are assignment operators?

Ans: Assignment operators are used to performing assignments, which means assigning some value to some variable. There are different operator symbols that we can use here.

Q: What are arithmetic operators?

Ans: Arithmetic operators are used often to perform some arithmetic operations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

Q: What are logical operators?

Ans: Using the logical operators, we can simply check if some expression is true or false.

Q: What are bitwise operators?

Ans: Using the bitwise operators, we can perform operations on bits.

Q: What are relational operators?

Ans: Relational operators are used for comparison purposes, like checking if some value is equal to another value, greater than another value, and so on.