Java Development Kit (JDK)

Java Development Kit (JDK)

So, as mentioned before as well, Java Development Kit is something we are going to need when we write our java codes. The Java Development Kit or JDK comes with some tools that are necessary for developing Java applications.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

In short, we are going to need this JDK while we write the java programs (applications). The JDK comes with several things like the compiler (javac), the Java Runtime Environment(JRE), etc.

The compiler is responsible to convert our java source code to byte code. The byte code has a .class extension. This byte code is something like an intermediate code, which can be implemented on any platform. The Java Runtime Environment provides the environment to execute the java byte-code.

We are going to discuss JRE, but we just need to have an understanding of what is doing what.

So, in short, the Java Development Kit, or JDK, comes with all the necessary tools we are going to need to develop java applications. JDK is platform-dependent, which means that there are different JDKs for different system specifications like a different JDK for windows, Mac, Linux, etc.

Once we get the JDK downloaded and set up on our computers, we will be ready to get started with writing java programs.

We are going to do this soon, but let’s first discuss the other things like JRE and JVM.