Hybrid Inheritance in Python

Hybrid Inheritance in Python

In this type of inheritance, there are different types of inheritance taking place. In such situations, we call it Hybrid Inheritance. Let’s have a quick look at an example, through which, we can understand hybrid inheritance.

Hybrid Inheritance in Python

As you can see, in the above example, there are different types of inheritance present in the program. Firstly, the class Child1 and Child2 classes are derived from the Parent class, and then there is another class, which is class Child3, which is derived from the classes Child1 and Parent.  So, we can say that there are different inheritances in the program. You can also refer to the given diagram, which demonstrates the hybrid inheritance, as can be seen from the previous example.

So, this was about the concept of inheritance. It is very useful at times, and we are going to use it as and when required. You can also solve some more examples related to Inheritance, while we move forward to the next concepts.