CSS Text

Text Related Properties

We are often dealing with some text, when we are on some webpage, or even if we are creating some webpage. Often we would need to do some different things with the text on our web pages, like changing the color of the text, playing with the alignment of the text, or playing with the casing(uppercase, lowercase, etc).

Playing with the space between the lines of the text, and much more. We are going to explore some different properties related to the text.

Here are some of the text related properties –

  • color →
    As the name of the property says, we are going to set the color of the text, using the color property
  • text-align →
    With the text-align property, we are going to set the alignment of the text. By this, we are just going to set whether the text is going to be left-aligned, center-aligned, right-aligned, or justified
  • text-decoration →
    As the name of the property says, the text-decoration property is used to set or remove the decoration from the text. Decoration means simply some underline for the text, overline or the line through from the text
  • text-transform →
    This property is used for specifying how to capitalize the text for the element. It can be uppercase, lowercase, or even capitalized
  • text-indent →
    As the name of the property says, it defines the indent of the first line of the text
  • letter-spacing →
    The property is used to define the spacing between the letters in the text
  • text-shadow →
    As the name of the property says, we use this property for setting up the shadow for the text.

Now, we are going to discuss some of the different properties related to the text, and we would have some examples to understand those properties as well.