CSS Background

Background properties

At times, we might have seen some different things in the background of the elements, like some different background colors for the different elements, the background image, and so on. We are now going to discuss some background-related properties, which allow us for doing some different things, like setting some background color for the element or setting up some background images, and much more.

Here is the list of the background-related properties that we are going to discuss –

  • background-color
    As the name of the property says, this is going to be used for setting up some background color for the element.
  • background-image →
    This property is going to be used for setting up some background images for the element. We are also going to use the same property for setting up some gradients for the element.
  • background-repeat →
    When we add some background image to the element, it has a default behavior of repeating in horizontal as well as vertical directions. We can have a sort of control over these things, with the background-repeat property.
  • Background-attachment →
    The background-attachment property is used to set whether or not the background image scrolls with the rest of the page.
  • background-position →
    The background-position property is used to set the initial position of the image for the element.
  • background-size →
    As the name of the property says, the background-size property is going to be used to set the size of the background image.
  • background-clip →
    The background-clip property is used to set if the element’s background extends underneath the border box, padding-box, or content box.
  • background →
    The background shorthand property is used to set the property values for all the background-related properties in one property.

Let’s have a look at these properties one by one. We would consider some examples as well, through which, then things would get more clear, as we move ahead.