Check if all the elements in the list are the same in Python

In this article, we are going to address a simple problem in python, in which, we are going to have a list, and in that, we are going to check if all the elements in the list are the same. There can be multiple methods to achieve this task, and we are going to discuss a few simple methods, through which, we can check if all the elements are the same in the given list.

Have a look at the below-mentioned sample examples for input and output –

For example –
The given list is – [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
We can simply say that all the elements in the list are the same.

The given list is – [1, 2, 3, “GyaniPandit”]
We can say that the elements in the list are not the same.

So, we have understood the problem now, so it is now time to focus on the solutions. As stated earlier, we are going to have a look at multiple ways to achieve this task. So, without any further delay, let’s dive into the solutions now. Once you are familiar with the logic of all the solutions, you can also implement the concepts easily.

Check if all the elements in the list are the same in Python

Way 1 – Manual Comparisons

In this way here, we are performing some manual comparison, to check if all the elements in the list are the same or not. So here, we are going to compare the elements in the list, and if we find some element, which is different, then we would stop comparing since all the elements in the list are not the same. Have a look at the below program first, and then we would see some explanation in brief.

numbers = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
element = numbers[0]
same = True
for number in numbers:
    if element!=number:
    same = False

if same:

As you can see in the above program, if the same is True, we are printing “Yes”, which means that all the elements in the list are the same. Otherwise, we are printing “No”, which means that all the elements in the list are not the same.

In the above program, we have a list, and then we are getting the first element from the list so that we can compare it with the other elements in the list. We have another variable with the name ‘same’, which would tell us if all the elements in the list are the same or not. If the same holds True, all the elements in the list are the same, and if the same is False, then all the elements in the list are not the same.

After that, we are iterating through the list, to perform the comparisons, and if we find the elements are not the same in the comparison, we just assign False to the same variable and break out of the for a loop.

After that, if the value for the same variable is True, we can say that all the elements in the list are the same. Otherwise, we can say that all the elements in the list are not the same.

If you have a look at the output for the above program, you can find that the output is “Yes”, which means that all the elements in the list are the same. You can try changing the elements of the list, to get different outputs.

Way 2 – Using the count method for the list 

We have a simple method “count”, through which, we can know that how many times some element has occurred in the list. Using the count method, we can determine if all the elements in the list are the same or not. Let’s see how –

Well, the count method is going to tell us how many times some element has occurred in the given list. So, we will get the count of some element from the list, and we will check if that number is equal to the length of the list. If the count of that element in the list is equal to the length of the list, we can simply say that all the elements in the list are the same.

Let’s have a look at a simple program, through which, we can understand how can we use the count method here.

lst = [“GyaniPandit”, “GyaniPandit”, “GyaniPandit”, “GyaniPandit”]
if lst.count(lst[0]) == len(lst):

As you can see in the above program, we have a simple list, and then we are comparing if the count of some element in the list is equal to the length of the list. If this is true, then we can simply say that all the elements in the list are the same. Otherwise, we can say that all the elements in the list are not the same.

You can try to have a look at the output for the above program, and you can also try to play with the values of the list, so as to get different outputs.

Way 3 – Converting the list to set, and checking if the set length is 1 

In python, we have set, which is one of the built–in datatypes used to store the collection of data. In a set, duplicate elements are not allowed. So, if we convert our list into the set, and our list has all the same elements, then in the resultant set, we have only one element, since duplicates are not allowed. So, if we convert our list to a set, and the length of the set is 1, then we can say that all the elements in the list are the same. Otherwise, we can say that all the elements in the list are not the same.

Let’s have a look at a simple program, through which, we can understand the above approach –

lst= [“GyaniPandit”, “GyaniPandit”, “GyaniPandit”, “GyaniPandit”]
if len(set(lst)) == 1:

As you can see in the above program, we have a list, with all the same elements, and then we are checking if the length of the set that we are creating using this list is 1, then we can say that all the elements in the list are the same. Otherwise, we can say that all the elements in the list are not the same.

You can try to have a look at the output as well, and you can play with the elements from the list, so as to get an output.

Conclusion –

In the above article, we have seen different ways through which, we can check if all the elements in the list are the same. There are multiple ways we can achieve this task, but we have seen three simple methods, through which, we can easily check if all the elements in the list are the same or not. You can also explore some other methods as well.

FAQ About Check if all the elements in the list are the same in Python

Q: How to check if the list is empty in python?

Ans: To check if the list is empty, you can simply try to calculate the length of the list. If the length of the list is 0, we can simply say that the list is empty, otherwise, the list is not empty.

Q: How to check if all the elements in the list are the same?

Ans: There can be multiple ways to check if all the elements in the list are the same or not. We can do some manual comparisons or use the count method, or also we can try to convert our list to set, to check if all the elements are the same or not. There are more ways to achieve this task.