Java Tutorial

StripLeading Method

Java String StripLeading Well, as the name says, this method is going to cut the leading whitespaces, which means the whitespaces that are at the start. Let’s have an example program to demonstrate the same – public class StringMethods {public static void main(String[] args) {String spaces = ” Java “;System.out.println(spaces.stripLeading());}} Well, if you try running

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Java String Strip Method

Java String Strip Well, with this method, we can cut the whitespaces from the start and the end of the string. Have a look at the program below to understand the thing. This works similarly to the trim method. public class StringMethods {public static void main(String[] args) {String spaces = ” Java “;System.out.println(spaces);System.out.println(spaces.strip());}} So, executing

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Java String startsWith() Method

Java String startsWith Well, previously, we had seen some methods to see whether our string ends with some string. Well, this method finds whether or not our string starts with some string. Let’s have an example to understand the same – public class StringMethods {public static void main(String[] args) {String str1 = “Welcome to GyaniPandit”;System.out.println(str1.startsWith(“Welcome”));}}

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