C Program to Find Area of Equilateral Triangle

In this article, we are going to discuss how to calculate the area of an equilateral triangle. So let’s start!

C Program to Find Area of Equilateral Triangle

For example –

Input :

So first to calculate the area of the equilateral triangle we are taking user input so for that we simply Enter the side of the equilateral triangle that is 24


To calculate the area of the equilateral triangle we know the formula first so the formula is :

Equivalent to area = sqrt(3)/4 * a * a

To apply this formula in our program we simply use sqrt() function in it. Because in this formula we are going to deal with a square root that’s why we use sqrt() function in it. For that, we use <math.h> header file it.


According to our output, we simply get our output as-

Enter the side of the equilateral triangle: 24

The area of the equilateral triangle is 249.415314

// C program to calculate the area of the equilateral triangle


int main(){
float side. area ;
printf(“Enter the side of equilateral triangle :”);
scanf(“%f”, & side);
area = sqrt(3)/4 * side * side;
printf(“Area of equilateral triangle is %f”, area);
return 0;


Enter the side of the equilateral triangle: 24

The area of an equilateral triangle is 249.415314

In this way, we simply understand how to calculate the area of an equilateral triangle. I hope this thing is clear to you. So for now keep learning and keep exploring.