C Program To Convert Kilograms to Pounds

In this article, we are going to write a simple C program, in which we are going to convert the weight from Kilograms (Kgs) to Pounds. The program is very simple to do if you are already familiar with the simple conversion formula for Kilograms to Pounds, and also you know the basics of writing C programs.

C Program To Convert Kilograms to Pounds

Here is the simple conversion formula for converting the weight from Kilograms to Pounds –

pd = kg * 2.2046

As you can see the formula is very simple, and here, kg is the weight in kilograms, and we need to multiply it with 2.2046, to get the weight in pounds.

In the given video, you can find the detailed explanation, along with the C program to convert the weight from kilograms to Pounds.

Here is the C program to convert the weight from Kg to Pounds.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
double kg, pounds;

// Asking the user to enter weight in kilograms
printf(“Enter weight in kilograms: “);
scanf(“%lf”, &kg);

// Convert kilograms to pounds
pounds = kg * 2.2046;

// Display the output
printf(“%.2lf kilograms is equal to %.2lf poundsn”, kg, pounds);

return 0;

Program Output 1 –
Enter weight in kilograms: 50
50.00 kilograms is equal to 110.23 pounds

Program Output 2 –
Enter weight in kilograms: 150
150.00 kilograms is equal to 330.69 pounds