लाल बहादुर शास्त्री के क्रांतिकारी विचार

That loyalty to the country comes ahead of all other loyalties. And this is an absolute loyalty, since one cannot weight it in terms of what one receives.
That loyalty to the country comes ahead of all other loyalties. And this is an absolute loyalty since one cannot weigh it in terms of what one receives.
True democracy or the swaraj of the masses can never come through untruthful and violent means.
True democracy or the Swaraj of the masses can never come through untruthful and violent means.
The rule of law should be respected so that the basic structure of our democracy is maintained and further strengthened.
The rule of law should be respected so that the basic structure of our democracy is maintained and further strengthened.
The economic issues are most vital for us and it is of the highest importance that we should fight our biggest enemies – Poverty, unemployment.
The economic issues are most vital for us and it is of the highest importance that we should fight our biggest enemies – Poverty, unemployment.
The preservation of freedom, is not the task of soldiers alone. The whole nation has to be strong.
The preservation of freedom is not the task of soldiers alone. The whole nation has to be strong.
The basic idea of governance, as I see it, is to hold the society together so that it can develop and march towards certain goals.
The basic idea of governance, as I see it, is to hold the society together so that it can develop and march towards certain goals.
Those who govern must see how the people react to administration. Ultimately, the people are the final arbiters.
Those who govern must see how the people react to administration. Ultimately, the people are the final arbiters.
Among the major tasks before us none is of greater importance for our strength and stability than the task of building up the unity and solidarity of our people.
Among the major tasks before us, none is of greater importance for our strength and stability than the task of building up the unity and solidarity of our people.
India will have to hang down her head in shame if even one person is left who is said in any way to be untouchable.
India will have to hang down her head in shame if even one person is left who is said in any way to be untouchable.


  1. आक्रामकता के साथ देशहित के विचार की प्रेरणा मिलती है


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