What is Vedic Maths
Vedic maths is the ancient trick to solve mathematical calculations accurately and with precision. Vedic math has its origin in Atharvaveda from there it is studied by Swami Bharti Krishan Tirtha Ji Maharaj. Swami Bharati Krishan Tirtha wrote a book named Vedic math in this book he mentions 16 sutras and 13 sub-sutras.
What is Vedic Maths? Tricks, Sutras, and Importance![<yoastmark class=]()
The whole story of Vedic maths revolves around these 16 sutras and 13 sub-sutras. Sri Bharati Krishan Tirtha is considered as Father of Vedic math. It is said that he spends 7 years in deep meditation and studying Vedanta and lived the life of an ascetic from 1911 to 1918 during this period the 16 sutras of Vedic math were discovered.
In the beginning, the Bharti Krishan tirtha wrote sutras of the manuscript but the script was lost. In the year 1957, he wrote 16 sutras in a book called Vedic Mathematics he was planning to write other sutras but cataracts develop in both eyes, and in 1960 he died.
Importance of Vedic maths
- Vedic math helps us to easily solve multiplication, division of complex numbers, squaring, cubing, square root, and cube root.
- Improve accuracy when solving lengthy calculations.
- It is useful for all grades from 11th to 12th as far as the numerical calculation is concerned.
- It decreases the amount of finger counting and rough work on paper.
- Improve logical reasoning.
- Vedic maths is easy to learn and it is great fun for students.
- you can do calculations 15 to 20 times faster than your usual method.
- Vedic math helps us to sharpen our minds and increase our intelligence and also mental ability boosts our self-confidence.
- you can use Vedic math tricks in your exams like CAT, SAt, CET, and banking exams these tricks helps you to
- reduce your time and also get your answer accurate.
- It is many times faster than the usual method
- It saves your time in calculations and also helps to boost your confidence
- It makes mathematics interesting and pretty much simple
- It helps to develop concentration
- it is simple to understand and easy to apply
- by using this maths you can easily solve, cube roots, square-root, division, multiplication
- all students who are in 1st or 12th they can use Vedic maths for mathematical sums
- if you learn Vedic math then you don’t have to learn tables you just learn tables up to 9. by using Vedic maths tricks you solve a big problem in the shortcut method with accuracy.
Why all students should learn Vedic maths?
Ans Today we live in a world of competition. And in every competitive exam, the maths section is mandatory and it has almost 25% weightage by marks. There is hardly any competitive exam that does not contain a maths section.
In competitive exams, we have to solve complex arithmetic calculations in less time if we use the traditional method to solve these problems then we may arrive at the written answer but we utilize too much time. On the other hand, if we use Technique in Vedic maths then we solve the same calculation in a few minutes, and a high level of accuracy is also maintained.
Maths is the most scoring subject in every competitive exam. If you want to make good use of it you must learn the technique of Vedic math to perform complex arithmetical calculations quickly and with a high degree of precision.
Vedic Maths Sutras:
List of Vedic Maths 16 Sutras:
S.No | Sutras Name | Meaning | Squaring a number ending with 5 |
Sutra 1. | Ekadhikina Purvena | By one more than the previous one | When the the divisor is greater than 10 |
Sutra 2. | Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah | All from 9 and the last from 10 | Multiplication of numbers, which are near to base like 10, 100, 1000 |
Sutra 3. | Urdhva-Tiryagbyham | Vertically and crosswise | Multiplication of two numbers |
Sutra 4. | Paraavartya Yojayet | Transpose and adjust | The remainder by the last digit |
Sutra 5. | Shunyam Saamyasamuccaye | When the sum is the same that sum is zero | Solving equations of a special type provided that they satisfy a special condition |
Sutra 6. | Anurupyena- Sunyamanyat | If one is in ratio, the other is zero | To find out the product of two numbers when both are near the common base like 40, 40, etc. (multiples of powers of 10). |
Sutra 7. | Sankalana-Vyavakalanabhyam | By addition and by subtraction | It is used to solve simultaneous simple equations which have the co-efficient of the variables interchanged |
Sutra 8. | Puranapuranabyham | By the completion or Non-completion | Used to simplify or solve algebra problems. |
Sutra 9. | Chalana-Kalanabyham | Differences and Similarities | It is used to solve quadratic equations |
Sutra 10. | Yaavadunam | Whatever the extent of its deficiency | Applicable to obtain sq. of a number close to bases of powers of 10 |
Sutra 11. | Vyashtisamanstih | Part and Whole | Help in the factorization of the quadratic equation of types |
Sutra 12. | Shesanyankena Charamena | The remainders by the last digit | It is to express a fraction as a decimal to all its decimal places |
Sutra 13. | Sopaantyadvayamantyam | The ultimate and twice the penultimate | This sutra is used to find the solution of a special type of equation |
Sutra 14. | Ekanyunena Purvena | By one less than the previous one | This sutra is used in the case of multiplication by 9, 99… |
Sutra 15. | Gunitasamuchyah | The product of the sum is equal to the sum of the product | Cross-check the correctness of obtained answers in multiplications, divisions, and factorizations |
Sutra 16. | Gunakasamuchyah | The factors of the sum are equal to the sum of the factors | Use full in the factorization of cubics and biquadratics equation |
List of 13 Sub-Sutras Vedic Maths
S.No | Sub-sutra Name | Meaning |
Sub-sutra 1. | Anurupyena | proportionality |
Sub-sutra 2. | Sisyate Sesasamnnah | Remainder remains constant |
Sub-sutra 3. | Adyamdyenatya-mantye-na | First by first and last by last |
Sub-sutra 4. | Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat | For 7 the multiplicand is 143 |
Sub-sutra 5 | Vestanam | By Osculation |
Sub-sutra 6 | Yavadunam Tavadunam | Lesser by the Deficiency |
Sub-sutra 7. | Yavadunam Tavadunam varganca | Whatever the Deficiency lesser by the amount and set up the square of deficiency |
Sub-sutra 8. | Antyayordasake | Last Totalling 10 |
Sub-sutra 9. | Antyayoreva | Only the Last Terms |
Sub-sutra 10. | Samuccayagunitah | The addition of the coefficients in the product |
Sub-sutra 11. | Lopanasthapanabhyam | By Alternate Elimination and Retention |
Sub-sutra 12. | Vilokanam | By Mere Observation |
Sub-sutra 13. | Gunitasmuccayah Samuccayagunitah | The Product of the Sum is the Sum of the Products |
At the Elementary stage, students find math a very difficult subject because students could not memorize the tables but using Vedic math you can perform complex difficult calculations using tools of Vedic maths even if you remember the table up to 9 only. By using Vedic maths you will be surprised.
Your parents and teachers will be astonished after seeing your progress in maths. If you master Vedic maths in school days it will be very beneficial for you ahead in life when you will give competitive exams.
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Vedic Maths Quiz Questions
Ans: Vedic math is a collection of tricks and techniques to execute arithmetic operators fast and accurately.
Ans: There are 13 Vedas or 16 sub-sutras in Vedic math.
Ans: To speed up subtraction, multiplication, division, and addition.
Ans: Vedic math was discovered by Swami Bharti Krishan Tirtha Ji Maharaj.
Ans: Vedic math is useful for classes 3rd to 12th because it makes numerical calculation very easy.
Ans: In the competitive exam you cannot use any kind of calculating device hence Vedic math is still the best choice for aspirants of competitive exams.