Top 50+ Excel Interview Question Answer for Practice

Excel Interview Questions

MS Excel is spreadsheet application software developed by Microsoft. it is part of the Microsoft office suite. Excel is used to store, organize, calculate, and manipulate data. Excel uses a spreadsheet that is formed by horizontal rows and vertical columns to organize data and perform calculations on it.

The intersection of a row and column is called a cell. A cell contains data as a text, numerical value, or formula. Excel is a little tough to learn as compared to other Microsoft software such as MS Word or MS PowerPoint. But if you want a good job then you must be good at excel. Odyssey was the code name given to excel in the early stage of development it was released on September 30, 1985, for the first time.

Top 50+ Excel Interview Question Answers for Practice

Excel Interview Question
Excel Interview Question

If you want to do a desk job in any government or private office then the first requirement is good command of excel. Excel is used widely in private and government organizations to maintain data and organize data. If you are applying for such a desk job then in an interview you have to face questions related to Excel. In this article, we are going to discuss some Excel interview questions and Excel interview answers related to excel which will be helpful to you to crack an interview.

50+ Excel Questions and Answers for Practice

1. What is Microsoft Excel to be described in short?

Ans: Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application software that helps to store, organize, analyze, calculate, and manipulate data.

2. What is the definition of Cells in Microsoft Excel?

Ans: The intersection of a vertical column and a horizontal row is called a cell. The cell is the place where we store data in a spreadsheet.

3. What is the total number of rows in an excel spreadsheet?

Ans: 1,048,576 rows

4. What is the total number of columns in an excel spreadsheet?

Ans: 16,354 columns

5. What is the total number of cells in the excel spreadsheet?

Ans: In Excel 2016 there are 17,179,869,184 cells

6. How many worksheets we can add to a single workbook of excel?

Ans: A single workbook can have 255 sheets

7. How can you reduce the file size in Excel?

Ans: We can reduce the file size in Excel by deleting the empty row and columns in your spreadsheet. Its procedure is as follows.
1) First select the last cell in the sheet that contains data. Delete all the rows and columns after this cell till the end to reduce file size.
2) Press the shift+space bar then press Ctrl+shit +down arrow to select all empty rows till the end then press Ctrl+- to delete the selected rows.
3) Similarly delete all blank columns press the shift +space bar then press the Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow to select all blank columns till the end. After selecting all empty columns press Ctrl+- to delete the selected column from the sheet.

8. Does every cell in excel has a unique address?

Ans: The cell address is formed by row number and column alphabet and it is unique for every cell no two cells can have the same cell address.

9. What is the use of Freeze panes in Excel?

Ans: Freeze panes are used to lock a specific column or row.

10. Can we close all open excel files at the same time?

Ans: Yes we can close all open excel files at the same time.

11. What are the latest new features available in Excel’s latest version?

Ans: The latest new features of Excel are as follows:
1. Slicers
2. Tables
3. Sparklines
4. Power pivot

12. How will you cancel an entry using the shortcut key?

Ans: By pressing the Esc key.

13. What is the shortcut key to minimizing the workbook?

Ans: you can minimize the workbook by pressing ‘Ctrl+F9’.

14. What is the use of an advanced criteria filter?

Ans: Advanced filter is used to analyze the list employed with the database function.

15. What is the use of the Crtl+PgDown short-cut key in excel?

Ans: Ctrl+pgDown shortcut key is used to move to the next sheet.

16. What is the use of the Ctrl+PgUp short-cut key in excel

Ans: Ctrl+PgUp shortcut key is used to move to the previous sheet.

17. Write the syntax of the SUBSTITUTE function in excel?

Ans: The syntax of the SUBSTITUTE function is ‘SUBSTITUTE(text,oldText,newText,[Instance Number]).

18. Write the syntax of REPLACE function in excel?

Ans: The Syntax of REPLACE function is ‘REPLACE(old Text,startNumber,NumberCharacters,new Text)

19. How we can check the status of a pivot table modification?

Ans: you can check pivot table modification by using the event Pivot table update.

20. Which are the two macro languages available in MS excel?

Ans: Visual Basic Application and XLM

21. How we can remove duplicates in Excel from a data set?

Ans: The process to remove duplicates from the data set is as follows.
1) Select the Data first
2) Select the Data tab
3) Click on Remove Duplicates.

22. How to transpose a data set in excel?

Ans: Paste Special Dialog b Box and Transpose function are two ways to transpose data set in Excel.

23. Name the various type of Data filters available in Excel?

Ans: The different types of Data filters available in excel are Data filter, Text filter, and Number filter.

24. What is the name of the person who designed the Bullet chart?

Ans: Stephen Few

25. What is Slicer in Excel?

Ans: Slicer in the pivot table is a new feature of Excel available in version 2010. This feature enables the user to filter data while selecting one or more options in the slicer box

26. What is Format Painter?

Ans: Format Painter is used to copying the format of the cell, text, image, etc, and apply it elsewhere.

27. What are the different types of data formats available in Excel?

Ans: The different type of Data formats available in Excel are as follow.
1. Accounting
2. Date
3. Percentage
4. Number
5. Text

28. Explain why comments are used in excel?

Ans: Comments are used to write formulas or notes for the cell.

29. Explain the process of adding comments in Excel?

Ans: The steps to add comments in excel are as follows:
1. Right-Click on the cell.
2. Click on the “ review tab”
3. Select “comment”
4. Type your comment in the comment box.

30. Name the different charts available in MS Excel?

Ans: The different chart available in excel is as follows.
1. Pie chart
2. Bar Chart
3. Scatter Chart
4. Lie chart

31. What is Ribbon in Excel?

Ans: The area present at the top of the application which consists of a toolbar and menu items is known as a ribbon. The different types of tabs present on the ribbon include a set of commands to use in excel.

32. Which shortcut key is used to hide the ribbon in Excel?

Ans: Ctrl+F1

33. Explain the process to protect the sheet with a password?

Ans: To protect the sheet with the password you have to follow the following steps:
1: Click on the Review tab under it select protect worksheet
2: Type the password in the password box.
3: After entering the password click on OK and re-enter the password to confirm
Click on ok again.

34. What is the use of the Sum function?

Ans: The sum function is used to add values present in the selected cell range.

35. What is the name of the different types of report formats available in Excel?

Ans: The different types of report formats available in excel are Report, Compact, and Tabular.

36. Which function in excel is used to verify whether a logical condition is true or false?

Ans: IF function

37. What is the use of the Look Up function in Excel?

Ans: The lookup Function is used when you need to look in a single row or column and find a value from the same position in the second row or column.

38. Provide the shortcut key to delete blank columns?

Ans: To delete a column we have to press “Ctrl+-“.

39. Tell the Syntax of the VLookup function?

Ans: The syntax of the VLookup function is VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]).

40. What are the different types of errors displayed in Excel?

Ans: #REF!, #DIV/0!,#NUM,#N/A, #Name, and #Value are some of the errors displayed in Microsoft excel.

41. What is the order of operations while evaluating formulas in Excel?

Ans: The order of operations while evaluating formulas in excel is according to the acronym PEMDAS.
P stands for Parenthesis/Brackets
E Stands for Exponentiation
M Stands for Multiplication
D stands for Division
S stands for Subtraction

42. Which function is used to get the length of the string in Excel?

Ans: The function LEN is used to get the length of the string in Excel.

43. What is the use of Volatile Functions?

Ans: Volatile functions are used to recalculate the formula repeatedly after modifications are performed in the worksheet

44. Tell the list of Volatile formulas?

Ans: TODAY(),NOW(),RAND(), INDIRECT(),OFFSET(),INFO() and CELL() are some volatile formulas

45. Which shortcut key is used for finding and replacing in excel?

Ans: For find, we have to use the Ctrl+F key, and for replace we have to use Ctrl+H.

46. What is the shortcut key to open the Spellcheck dialog box?

Ans: We can open Spellcheck by pressing shortcut key F7.

47. What is the shortcut key to perform auto-sum on rows and columns?

Ans: The shortcut key to perform auto-sum on rows and columns is ‘ALT=’.

48. What is the use of the shortcut key Ctrl+N?

Ans: The shortcut key Ctrl+N is used to open a new workbook.

49. Tell Different sections available in a pivot table?

Ans: The different sections of the pivot table are the Filter area, Column area, Values area,, and Row area.

50. How to find the average in MS Excel?

Ans: In MS Excel average can be found using the AVERAGE function.

51. Explain Macro in Excel?

Ans: if in MS Excel you repeat some set of activities again and again then you do not need to repeat the same task again you can record the set of actions one-time using a macro feature of MS excel then whenever you need to repeat that task you just have to run its previously recorded micro and that task will be executed.

52. Explain the process to merge the cell?

Ans: The steps for merging the cell in MS Excel are given below.
1: Select the cell you want to merge.
2: Click on the Home tab.
3: Click on Merge and Centre option under the Alignment group.

53. What is the use of Conditional Formatting?

Ans: Conditional formatting is one of the most useful features of MS Excel when it comes to data analysis. Using this function you can format cells according to some logical condition for exam marks of students present in the column then you won’t score greater than 100 in red font and below 100 in green font then you can do this using the conditional formatting option.

54. What is the name of the function to insert the current date and time in excel?

Ans: The TODAY and NOW functions are used to insert the current date and time respectively in MS Excel.

55. What is the use of the shortcut key SHIFT F2?

Ans: Shortcut key SHIFT+F2 is used to insert a comment on the selected cell.

56. What is the use of the Count Function?

Ans: The count function counts the number of cells selected.

57. How function is different from the formula in Microsoft Excel?

Ans: The main difference between formula and function is that formula is user define and function is an inbuilt feature of MS Excel. For instance =B1+B2 is formula.
Ans =SUM(B1:B2) is a function.

58. What are the different errors you encounter in MS excel and explain why they occur?

Ans: The different Error in MS Excel and their reason are given as follow.
1) #N/A Error: it occurs when a value is not available.
2) #Div/0! Error. When the number is divided by 0.
3) #VALUE! Error: This error occurs when the data type is incorrect in the formula.
4) #REF! Error: This error occurs reference formula is not valid.
5) #NAME ERROR: it is the result of the misspelled function
6) #NUM ERROR: When you calculate a significant number then you will encounter this error.

59. What is the use of the MAX function?

Ans: MAX function is used to select the larger value from the selected range of cells.

60. What is the use of the MIN function?

Ans: The MIN function is used to select the smallest value from the selected range of cells.


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