Road Safety Slogans
The biggest cause of death all over the world is the road accident. Every year more than 1.35 million people die because of road accidents, as per WHO reports. The reason for such accidents is awareness and alertness while driving. With the increasing number of vehicles on the roads and increasing traffic levels, drivers need to follow safety rules and drive-by following rules for life safety.
Usually, we move out of our houses hasting on our vehicles towards school, offices, or workplaces. We race our vehicles to speed and sometimes we lose our hold onto motorbikes and fall victim to such accidents which cause physical sufferings.
Many of the times, these people lose their lives in such road accidents. Road security and safety measures are of vital importance to save lives and one should be alert enough to tackle such dangerous situations in time or you may have to pay for your slightest of mistake.
We know sometimes it isn’t even your mistake, but we also have to suffer for their mistakes. You can’t teach others how to drive, but what we can do that to drive so carefully that no one is hurt because of us.
In this article, we have brought some of the slogans that are related to road safety measures. We would love to explain to you the importance of road safety rules so that you take care of them during driving because we care for your life. Road safety slogans are important to remind everyone of the traffic rules that are made for only them.
Looking at the increasing death rate through road accidents it has become important for us to make people aware of it and then we came up with this article for you. Go have a look at these slogans and we assure you, you won’t regret spending your time reading this article.
15+ Best Road Safety Slogans

“Stay Alert, Stay Safe”
“Drive Safely…Do It For Family”
Road Safety Slogans in English
Road safety is something that should be followed not only for your safety but even for the passengers and pedestrians. It is most noted that youngsters aging from 15-29 fall more prey to such road accidents and suffer from physical injuries.
It is right that the youth in the age can recover more quickly than the adults and older people but sometimes a mistake can make you pay a huge amount and along with it you also suffer from severe pain and injury. For such people and youth, it is important to follow the traffic rules and driving guidelines so that such injuries can be averted.

“Safety Starts With “S” (Self), safety Ends with “Y”(You)”
“No Safety Knows pain, Know Safety No Pain.”
Driving Safety Slogans
The government usually provides enough safety measures by the roadsides to keep people alert while they are driving. The government has made it compulsory to construct dividers and at least two lanes road all over the country. Road construction Government policies also include managing footpaths by the roadsides and road fences for pedestrians to walk them safely. Along with it, the safety barricades and hoarding boards are also made compulsory to maintain safety measures.

“Even Normal speed can meet your need”
“Drive for any Vehicle, Keep safety in Mind”
Road Safety Messages
Today’s youth loves to swing high on their bikes and increasing their vehicle speeds is a trend. They want a swift ride and compete together to the end and that becomes their heroic moment. Learning from movies and TV shows, these young ones dare to drive after consuming alcohol and this is the first most reason that causes such severe accidents. Every year as per 2017 reports, on New Year or Christmas nights and other such events, out of 14,000 road accidents more than 4000 people die because of drunk driving and this is a huge number.

“Take Pledge to Ride Safely”
“Fate Saves Once a Time, safety Saves all the Times.”
Slogans on Road Safety in English
Loud music playing in a car, using headphones while driving, or talking on cell phones are the most distractions while you drive and youth needs to understand the rules made for their safety. It is the responsibility of parents to look after their children once they provide them with their vehicles and to look after them so that they don’t show off and perform stunts. It is the parents who can make their children realize the importance of safety rules.

“Safety is not automatic, think about it.”
“Good Safety and Attention is God Gifted.”
Slogans on Road Safety
We always read some slogans by the roadside, but now it is important to understand them. Along with this, the government and transport department also needs to pay attention in this direction so that they can maintain the quality of roads whose conditions are pathetic these days. Some country roads are feasting on accidents and it is the responsibility of caretakers to overcome these problems.

“Drive carefully, to live joyfully”
“Slow down! Your family will be waiting for you.”
Road Safety Slogans and Posters
You would think that can a slogan or a hoarding board help decrease the accident rates but even if they don’t, reminding them in your conversations of long trips you can always alert the driver to drive safely and remind him of his responsibility. We are sharing these slogans only for such conversations that can keep reminding you of your responsibility of passengers, friends, or family traveling with you.
“Drinking and driving kills”
“Don’t Drink and drive”
You can also share these slogans on your social media accounts so that you can aware of all your friends and family and also this can be a gesture to show them you care about them.
Hope you like this article and find it useful. If you have some more such slogans that helped you, you can share them with us so that we can help others.
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