Hr Policies of Google
Nowadays employee is not just a medium through them only work is the purpose going to fulfill, more than that their financial security, personal affairs, rewards to work motivation, etc are included in company policies. Independently all of these things have been included in the management stream which is well known as Human resources.
Have ever been you tried to think about famous multinational companies’ human resource policies. Here best example we can give about Google, like what can be the human resource policies of Google.
When discussion going on about tech giants then everyone can eager to know more about them, but in actuality everyone should know about human resource policies of Google. It is because all of that policies are unique on the basis of work dedication and professional ethics.
No matter whether you are a student or a professional person, somewhere all of this information will be helpful for you in every step of your life. Google’s human resource policy can teach you to like which quality can give you chance to stand in the row of persons who are not only extra talented but also a workaholic who takes extraordinary efforts to give the best results.
Hr Policies of Google

Vital Points About Google Human Resource Strategies
As we said earlier that Google is a tech giant while in every country of the world they are well known for their tremendous service about technology.
They are not restricted only as a search engine but also the whole Android operating system, Map navigation system, Play Store, Voice service assistant, etc are part of their service.
So here important thing is to get to know about their human resource strategy by which they are not only hiring people but also transforming them into the best performer in every step of professional matter.
Let’s try to overview some vital points on which Google’s human resource strategy is somewhere closely dependent.
- Blending of Result Based and Behavior Appraisals.
- Thirst For Data.
- Practical implementation.
- Required ability about changes in skills and perspective as per the expansion into a new sector/market.
- Employee friendly as well as innovative work culture.
- Critical as well as theoretical analysis.
- Internal growth basis training model.
- Focusing on constant hiring, and promotion of individuals. While paying attention to transfer who deserve right place according to extrovert ability.
- An Organizational Perspective.
- Excellent Management Style.
- Happy Working Environment
- Attractive Perks
- Good Incentive for achieving goals with growth.
Perks and Benefits Offered By Google For Their Employees. (As Per Human Resource Policy of Google)
- Saving Plans for after retirement.
- Allowed Casual Dressing.
- Death Benefits.
- Free meal, snacks, and drinks.
- Parental Leaves.
- Medical Care Facility.
- Flexible working hours.
These all are some benefits and perks which is offered by Google for their application, and it is one kind of part of their human resource strategy.
Now next, let’s focus on the human resource policy of Google as per above given some key points, then you will clearly understand it.
Actual Human Resource Policy of Google
1. Third for Data:
As we all know that Google is not only a tech giant company but mainly their work pillars are knowledge as well as data. That’s why here at Google, all people’s decisions are based on data and analytics.
According to Google’s human resource policy, the human resource department is the department of ‘People Operations’. While most of the decisions about people management are taken there by the ‘People Analytics Team’, where excellent and superior decision makers are included.
As a tech company whose search engine is not only famous but has reached into almost every country of the world, for them all kinds of data types are most important, for that’s what their entire team works on consistently.
Here if talking about Google human resources, then every time their employee together work on data and its research, we can say they have one kind of thirst for data.
2. Blending of Result Based and Behavior Based Appraisals:
For hiring purposes, Google never gives weightage to how much the next person is qualified or how many degrees he/she achieved. Google always gives importance to the potential and innovative thoughts of the next person. Their screening test is the toughest task which is quite enough to explain their work culture.
The recruitment process of Google can be a great platform for interview-facing people, through which inbuilt quality and skills can be revealed to that people. While their work culture is so friendly with a happy environment.
The human resource policy of Google for their employee is closely based on some qualities like a combination of result based as well as behavior-based appraisals.
3. Practical Implications:
If we analyze the age group of Google employees then most of the employee’s average age can be obtained as around 29 years. While there is no dress code rule in Google for their employee, all kinds of restrictions and boundaries are closed there.
Google’s working policy gives importance to practical work and its results, which go to analyze by their human resource team. From time to time Google gives rewards to their pre-decided goal achiever employee with the best financial benefits. In that way, they want to motivate their employee for more best work in the future.
Google’s human resource policy not only believes to enhance its services but also wants to give chance to work to worldwide talented people who have excellent skills and work potential.
4. Transformative Skills and Perspective:
When Google was launched, worldwide people knew about it as a search engine and Gmail service provider only, but in the next some years, it has transformed into various services.
Expansion of Google we can see nowadays as a Map through a navigator service provider, Voice assistant, Search engine, Android operating system sponsored and developer, and Developer of Google play store.
Apart from that Google provides an online payment service as Google pay, which means Google believes in market research as well as new service providing which later comes in the form of a famous trend.
Here Google expects their employee should have an adaptive mind, who can change their skills and perspective as per the expansion of the market.
When we go to analyze Google’s progress, the conclusion can be simple Google’s human resource policy believes on meet their goal through perfection and innovation.
5. Critical as Well as Theoretical Analysis:
Google Hr department as well as their senior executive always try to motivate their employee for work productivity. For their employee, Google offered flexible work hours, as well as they, give high-class salaries, bonuses, Rewards as well as other attractive perks.
As per the Google human resource strategy they want the employee to use their time in the ratio of 70:20:10. Here employees have an option to choose a project for which they can give 20% time, while 70% of the time they need to give on basic work and the business related task of Google.
Rest 10% time employees can give any kind of innovative idea related to work, which can be beneficial for Google in the future. If we think about Google employees’ daily workload and task variety then it could be hard to decide and analyze that.
But in that hectic schedule, Google manages a pleasant and relax work environment which gives motivation as well as mental relaxation to their employee.
As per the Google human resource policy, they believe to give a happy and friendly work environment to all employees, with some other perks. Somewhere it reduces critical work stress from their employee’s minds, whose results come with the best output.
6. Internal Growth Basis Training Model:
Every employee of Google gets all kinds of changes by which they can improve and develop available skills. Human resource management tries to motivate every employee due to that they can get to know the available potential and workability in them.
The main reason here is that Google works on multiple platforms so here employees can choose work projects as per their skills.
Human resource management has set their training model that way, by which each and every employee knows themselves on the basis of available knowledge into them so closely. While their mind goes to transform in an adaptive way.
7. Employee Promotion, Hiring, and Transfer Strategy of Google:
In simple words we can say about Google’s employee hiring strategy that is they believe on right person is to have on the right place. Every year there are thousands of people, and Google is recruited in various country offices.
As we discussed earlier their screening test which they conduct during the hiring of the new employees, is of utmost tough.
For Google, a variety of knowledge in you is so important thing because they have a multiple domain business where you can prove yourself. Any individual who is interested to work with Google should have multi-talented with enough self-confidence.
For those who are well versed with multi-activity tasks with innovative thoughts, Google welcomes them all. On the basis of employees’ prior organizational experience, with the added experience of Google, from time to time they promote such employees in perfect positions.
Apart from that as per their human resource strategy, they transfer employees for multiple projects as per ability and skills, here department, as well as location, also included.
In short, whatever is best for you, Google needs that, here Employees not only can get professional growth but also personal development has extra added to that.
8. Attractive Perk And Good Incentive for achieving goals with growth:
As earlier, you have read a list of all kinds of perks and benefits which have been offered by Google for their employee. While time to time those employees who are achieving their goal of successfully completing their projects of them are receiving incentives for their good work performance.
If you carefully read the perks offered by Google then you can think about what, as an employee of Google people are achieving in their professional life.
9. Excellent Management Style With Happy Working Environment:
As a tech giant that works in multi nations, Google always tries to improve its management by providing all kinds of the facility to their employee.
As per their management style and human resource policy Google always focus on keep maintaining their office environment always happy by which employee can give their best output that in actual Google needs.
After reading all of this information about key points of Google’s human resource policy, now somewhere you have surely aware of their work strategy.
While you may have well understood now, how Google works on important parameters by which they apply human resource policy about all their business-related tasks.
Though most human resource policies are the same worldwide, when we overview Google’s human resource policy then somewhere it looks unique. Google focuses more on relation with employees in a professional manner, while they are always trying to support for best things in their employees by promoting them in the perfect place. Perks and benefits offered by Google are more attractive and well enough to inspire their employee for the best output purpose.
All the policies-related information here mentioned about Google is taken from related sources, there may be slight changes that can be possible in case Google has recently done any kind of changes to their human resource policies. The purpose behind providing this information is just to give you a broad idea about Google’s human resource policy, in case you do not agree with any kind of policy which have mentioned here then you may check more details about that from a related source.
Hope you like this information while it will beneficial for you in the future, If you have a dream about working with Google, then surely you can keep in mind these things which have been mentioned in this article.
Try to share this article with others so that they will also get benefit from this important information. Thanks for being with us…
Frequently Asked Question on Google Human Resource Policy – FAQ.
Ans: ‘People Operations Department’.
Ans: ‘People Analytics Team’
1. Google allowed casual dressing, which means they don’t have put any kind of dress code for their employee
2. Death benefits to employees are applicable
3. Flexible working hours
4. Medical care facility
5. Free meals, snacks, drinks, etc.
Ans: 70:20:10.
Ans: Yes, but for those who have an adaptive mind as well as are versed with essential skills as per the requirement of Google for them it is not much hard.