Narrative essay writing
Everyone has learned many interesting things during their academic session in school and college. Basically, some peoples like to solve short answer questions, while maybe very few people like to answer descriptive type questions.
For some people, descriptive questions are one kind of boring task to solve or they never want to face such kinds of questions.
But everyone has gone through this phase of life, where in their schools or college they were answering descriptive questions like essays.
Seriously, many peoples are not getting a correct idea about how to write an essay or they don’t have that much friendly of this concept. While an essay can write in various types ways, Among a narrative essay is the most interesting type.
If you are one who still doesn’t know how to write or start a narrative essay, then this article will be so helpful for you. Here you are going to introduce all the basic information, which are so essential to start a narrative essay.
How To Start a Narrative Essay Step by Step for Students

Tips for Writing a Narrative Essay
Here you must have to get understand that a narrative essay is one kind of story-type essay in which someone can either explain their experience or can describe any life moment.
So the formation of such kind of essay will depend on some basic factors. Here related to the formation of such kind of essay, below given some tips which can be helpful for you to construct this type of essay.
- As we said earlier, a narrative essay is a story-type formation so your intention and choice of words should be very realistic and clear. Due to this thing reader can feel your situation the same as you are explaining. Or we can say realistic touch is important in the essay.
- The quote is so important factor that is a must in the essay because it is a trick by which you can express your feelings in short words. And by that way, your purpose can directly reach the reader.
- You can use some topic-related references in the essay, which can make your essay more expressive and the reader can judge your thinking in that way.
- To make the essay more interesting for the reader, Try to explain flashbacks more vividly, where your intention should be closer to the actual incident.
Narrative Essay Format
In short, we can say, your narrative essay will be a mixture of the following key points
- Statistics
- Quotes
- Anecdote
- Question
- Shocking facts
- Interesting Details
- Footer/Ending Para, etc…
Example of Narrative Essay About Experience
Here you are going to read a narrative essay about life experience, such a type of essay basically explains various types of moments in life, Like Tours and travel, Memorable places visited, Adventurous incidents of life, etc.
Below given example based on the same topic, which will interesting and helpful for you to get understand this concept.
Essay Topic: My Visit And Journey In Amazon Rainforest
I was sitting relaxed and reading a book, it was a general information book but one sentence really touched my heart, I can say it was a beautiful quote. The quote was as;
“Life is about the adventures you take and the memories you make. So travel often and live life with open eyes and an open heart”
Anecdote: Suddenly I went into the flashbacks because somewhere this quote was matching my thoughts. The main thing there was, Before one day I was thinking to go on an adventure tour with my buddies.
Immediately I picked up my mobile phone and there had a long discussion between me and my friends that we have to go to visit a rainforest.
As usual, my friend’s reply was so hopeful and quite impressive, as they all were ready to come with me. The same day in the evening all our friends met outside and the travel plan had been fixed. I was so much confident and insistent about going for a visit to the Amazon rainforest. They all were so happy and quite excited, As per the decided day we had moved on a journey to amazon.
Statistics: This forest was approximately 140 miles from our native location, so in the early morning sharp at 6:30 am we had to depart for a tour. The atmosphere was so pleasant and chilled, slowly wind streams were touching and going back, as we were just enjoying everything.
My friend Robert was driving a car and he was the funniest and weird guy in our group. At every minute he was just searching for a reason for humor. But at that time we all didn’t know in the next moment, we will get to feel a mind-blowing experience of life.
After one hour of journey, we reached so Close to our destination, the rest of the travel was just some miles ahead. we had taken some breakfast and done around half hour of rest there, that whole region was covered by a few mountains, and greenery was covered over that mountains.
Later on soon we moved on to our next journey path, during the travel we met many tribal community peoples. Actually, they were instructing us how to go inside the jungle and which are the most amazing spots that must have to be visited.
Interesting Facts: Finally, we left the main road and we had entered the jungle road which was covered by trees’ shadows and soil was everywhere on the route. Next, we met with a forest officer who was guiding us like where should we go and what was the restricted area.
After going long a while, Many types of biodiversity species could see which were really amazing and individually unique from each other. Mostly some colorful birds were catching our attraction.
As per the information provided by the forest officer, the amazon rainforest is a native place of the South American jaguar. While we had seen howler monkey, bald Yukari, and brown-throated sloth animals, Which are also the attraction of this forest.
The beauty of the scarlet macaw was awesome, This parrot is mostly found in evergreen forests. You can usually see giant leaf frogs in this forest.
Shocking Statement: Tribal community by the name of Yanomami lived around the forest in ancient times. When we interacted with these people who were totally unknown from the outside world.
Footer: I can say our whole day we had spent under the nature, where we experienced so many amazing things also we could realize that how much forest is essential for a living being. In this way, our journey was completed with lots of beautiful memories.
Example of Narrative Essay About Life
As with the above example, This topic has also been explained on the basis of key points, only that points haven’t been mentioned here.
Essay Topic: Education And Career Journey In My Life
Today when I am going to look in to a flashback of my life, I could realize that whatever I have achieved in my life wasn’t easy and simple. Because I was so much sharp in my studies also my nature was so ambitious.
But my family’s financial situation was not that strong, which could help me for a long while for higher education. One best quote perfectly suitable to my life journey like as;
“Quietly Endure, Silently Suffer And Patiently Wait”
So earlier at the age of five, my parents admitted me into primary school, where I was enjoying school days with other children. In short, I can say that was time to learn something new for me, and day by day I was moving ahead.
Later on, I went to the middle class and my school was also changed. In this way, I have completed middle and higher class education till class 10th.
To become a doctor was my ambition and after high school education, I wanted to go for science. But that was the time when I started to realize that my future education will not be easy now.
So due to my low financial family status, I decided to join a part-time job, I had assured my parents that way. They were never forcing me to join a job. But I had siblings too and they were also getting an education, so I never wanted to stop anyone’s education because of me.
Also, my father’s situation wasn’t hidden from me, I knew where he was going to be stuck about managing his family because of the low-income source. So the first thing I had done was, I went to science college and admitted myself to the science stream.
I had informed my class teacher that I need to do a job so I will not be able to attend daily class. Once a week I will come into the class and rest thing I will manage myself about the study. All the teachers were so cooperative and happy, they allowed me because my 10th class percentage was the highest among the all students.
In this way the whole day I was working and from the evening to till midnight I was doing the study. Sometimes I was getting worried about my future, like how will I collect the big amount which will help me to complete my medical education. But someone told me that some institutions are available which are giving concession into class 12th tuition fees.
Also, the students who are getting higher marks in class 12th will help them in future education. I visited that institution and explained my situation and also I assured them about getting higher marks in class 12th.
They happily admitted me into their institutions and my efforts worked truly amazingly way and I got 98% in class 12th. I was the only student from the institution who achieved marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Maths.
All the teachers from that institution were so happy and they had helped me to approve my education loan and they were guarantors for that loan.
In this way, by doing the hard study I qualified for medical education and in the next some years, I had become a doctor. Then I started an internship and then moved on to higher studies. After some years of dedication, I became a surgeon in the medical field.
Now, All that bitter memories become sweeter though life has taken some years of struggle from me, in return back I got a mesmerizing achievement.
I don’t have any complaints about life, Because I have learned something most valuable from her.
It’s all about my life journey, Where still this achievement is somewhere shocking for my parents but they have a lot of pride in me.
In this way, you have got a basic idea about how to start a narrative essay, also given some examples can be helpful for you to construct a narrative essay. Hope you like and understood this information
Note: Key points have been mentioned in to narrative essay example just to make you realize this structure.
A narrative essay is the type of essay, where you are going to explain your life experience or memorable incident history in the form of a story. Where some basic things are required that this essay going to be more interested and catchy for the reader.
Narrative Essay Questions:
Ans: It is a type of essay where you are going to describe life experiences and different types of memorable incidence history in the form of a story.
Ans: Setting, Quote, Theme, Conflict, Statistics, Anecdote, Question, Interesting facts, Shocking Statement, etc.
Ans: Yes. You can elaborate on information about your school days in the form of a narrative essay.
Ans: Quote is the best way by which you can express your exact thoughts or point of view in short words. This thing makes it more impressive for a narrative essay.
Ans: It depends on the topic which you are going to choose, Mostly life experience and incidence-related narrative essays can be more descriptive. While some narrative essays can be complete in limited words, so if you have word limitations then you should try to follow that.