Full form of ASAP

What is the Full from of ASAP
The full form of ASAP is “as soon as possible” which means that you want some work to be done as quickly as possible and within the time limit.
A = as
S= Soon
A = as
P = Possible
While chatting or in any conversation over the internet we need to use some typical group of word again and again. It is very irritating to type those group of word again and again. Hence in order to save the time and make our online conversation efficient instead of using word phrases we use short form some examples are given below.
Short form | long form |
IRL | In Real Life |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion |
TBH | To Be Honest |
IMO | In My Opinion |
BRB | Be Right Back |
LMK | Let Me Know |
NSFW | Not Safe For Work |
FTW | For the Win |
YOLO | You Only Live Once |
OMG | Oh My God |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
Today we are going to talk about the most common Internet Slang ASAP which means As Soon As Possible. These days everybody wants the thing in a hurry because time is like money and sometimes more than money. Everyone wants to make good use of time hence in almost every conversation we use these four words as soon as possible our bosses what jobs to be done quickly and we also want to impress other by doing jobs quickly hence both bosses and employee use this acronym ASAP frequently.
Even in informal conversation, we use the acronym ASAP very often for instance if we are ill our mother tells us to “ go to the doctor as soon as possible”. if our father calls us for some urgent work he would say “come here as soon as possible” it does not matter whether our conversation is formal or informal we use words while talking “as soon as possible” and we use the abbreviation ASAP while chatting very often.
ASAP is the most commonly use internet slang used during online gaming and chatting. It is used all over the globe by internet users.
Some examples of statements containing ASAP are given below.
- Finish the assignment ASAP.
- Reach bus stop ASAP.
- Meet me in the office ASAP.
- I will be there ASAP.
- I will complete the task ASAP.
- I will meet you ASAP.
- Finish your lunch ASAP and return to work.
- I will call you ASAP When I reach the office.
- ASAP summit your Report on my desk Please check your e-mail ASAP for password.
- Drive to the airport ASAP to receive our guest.
- This is Raul calling. please call me ASAP.
- Give me money once you receive your salary ASAP.
- Compete your school fees ASAP. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to sit in the exam.
- E-mail me your address ASAP.
- Those students who want scholarships should fill the online form ASAP
- Please give the list of persons whose loan is pending ASAP.
- Inform all the medical shop owners not to keep the new vaccine in stores ASAP.
- In case you are feeling difficulty breathing and runny nose consult a doctor ASAP.
- Update your computer’s antivirus ASAP.
- Finish your pending work ASAP.
We have taken enough examples of sentences containing ASAP. After reading these sentences you realize how important are these four words As soon as possible are. Time is money and this internet slag show that you value time a lot. I hope you enjoy reading this article.