Essay on Slavery in America
Slavery is practiced in America since the 16th century. There was a tradition of capturing black Africans by force and bringing them to America in ships for slavery and they were forced to work in tobacco and cotton crops fields in which they have no future.
This evil practice of slavery was practiced in America for 250 years. The starting point of slavery in America is 1619 when the first 20 African slaves arrives at the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Most of the black people were slaves but some whites although in minority were also slaves. Africans were less expressive and more hardworking servants than poor Europeans.
Essay on Slavery in America in English for Students

In the market, these African slaves were purchased and sold there was high demand for slaves in the market at that time which gave rise to the Atlantic slave trade. Atlantic slave trade started between the old world (Afro-Eurasia) and the new world (America).
In this Atlantic slave trade, the number of slaves imported to America from Africa is approximately 93,91,000.
The slaves were brought to America in large ships which have no proper ventilation and sanitation facilities the slaves were dumped like cattle in these ships and they were treated like animals.
The slave trade was very important for colonies in America from point of view of not just economy but it became their habit. Americans thought they could not live without these African slaves. For Americans, these African slaves were like farm animals who will do anything as per the order of their masters.
These African slaves were mostly prisoners of war which were sold by African traders and kings to Europeans in exchange for guns and money. In the beginning, the slave has to face the price negotiation between the African trader and Foreigner. After which a doctor uses to examine them once they are cleared by the doctor to do hard work they were marked with a hot iron on the chest. So the company could identify them.
The next step was a scary journey in slave ships. The purchased slaves are loaded in ships like animals they have no place to move in ships. It was like putting someone in a coffin alive. Slaves cannot move inside ships without hurting them or other slaves they cannot go to even urinate at other places. Due to such a situation slaves become affected by mainly deadly diseases such as Measles, smallpox, dysentery. In this difficult six to ten-week journey almost 15% slaves use to die in the middle of the journey.
The Slaves on arrival in America have to work hard for their masters. They have no freedom and no right they cannot take education they have to work for their masters for free their master gave them no salary. Masters use to give them only as much amount of food which will keep them alive. In case of rebellion, they were killed or punished brutally by their masters.
Slavery in American Civil War & Abolition of Slavery in America
The 13 colonies of America after getting independence from the great Britain were divided into two groups. One group wanted to abolish slavery and other does not want to abolish slavery. Northern American states wanted to abolish slavery and southern wanted to continue slavery.
The Northern state of America was influenced by the industrial revolution they wanted machines to replace men hence they wanted to abolish slavery. On other hand, Southern states were slave and cotton-based economy they wanted to maintain slavery. This conflict gave rise to civil war between the northern and southern states of America.
The southern states which wanted to maintain slavery get separated from the united states of America and form a new country called the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis was the president of confederate states, and Abraham Lincoln was the president of Unites States of America. Finlay after four years of war the united states defeated the confederate states and slavery was abolished in the united states.
In the civil war, nearly about 600,000 people died. After the war, three amendments were made in the constitution of America 13th amendment 14th amendment, and 15th amendment this amendment all called civil war Amendments according to 13th amendment the slavery was abolished in America. According to 14th amendment, the constitution gives citizenship to all people born in America including slaves the 15th amendment gives the right to vote to black enslave people.
In this way, the evil inhuman practice of slavery was abolished in America after a devastating Civil war in which many lives were lost. Today the percentage of black people in America is 13.4%. They are the second-largest minority in America. The educational and economic status of black people in improved they work with white people in government offices black people is also part of politics and Hollywood.
I will like to end this essay with a quote “Slaves are turning into men that the most important significance of new life”