Essay on English as a Global Language
On our planet “Earth” as we know so many countries have existed, And all of those countries are somewhere united by continent. But some other factors are also responsible which going to make these countries connected to each other, that is some languages.
Though some continents are so close and some are far away from each other. Then also into some continent either languages are most of the time same or somewhere some languages are common for them.
But when we are going to think over a global level then some languages are truly responsible to connect worldwide peoples. Among those languages “English” is well known and mostly used language.
Essay On “English as a global language” in English for Students and Children

Mostly when people are traveling into other countries, Then their native languages not going to work there. It is because every nation peoples are not able to get every language or they are not Multilingual.
This article is totally depends on this topic, where on essay base you are going to know about “English” language. Like why English is well known as a global language or why it is most used language around the world.
Why English as a Global Language?
Before entering into this topic you should have to get understand some basic facts, Due to which English has been recognized as a global language. Below given meaningful aspects are somewhere responsible to make English a global language.
- Spoken Base Fame.
- International Relation/External Affairs
- International Business
- Traveling
- Print or Electronic Media
- Social Media
- Education
- Past Colonization
Let’s elaborate on these points so that you can well understand this concept.
Spoken Base Fame:
When things come to communication then globally most spoken language is English like a mandarin. Moreover, we can say English is a language that doesn’t have any restrictions on culture, country, or community. As this language is spoken worldwide community.
On all continents of the world, this is personal as well as officially the most spoken language. Where all work going through English, In another way in some countries this language is a secondary language.
But in every circumstance globally people have accepted English, Though someone’s using it a few times. But a high number of people can well understand English.
So you can understand now, Either English is the primary language on some continents or it is secondary language. But its existence is in everywhere, This thing is enough to make this language as a global on the base of speaking.
International Relation/External Affairs:
We all know we can be citizens of different nations, For example someone can be a citizen of a Latin American country and another one can belong to an Asian country.
But for the whole year, every country is somewhere dependent on other countries, either it can be a business purpose or it can be security, technology, Information, and human resources.
Most of the time to solve some global matters and dispute, Some international countries comes together and solving issues through global summit meeting.
During all of these kinds of activities, the medium of communication is only English, Because on a global platform every nation has accepted English for communication.
International relation between countries are going to keep and maintained in English. Also, all of the countries are keeping their external affairs in English. Here we can say somewhere the world is looking to be united on the base of English.
So the conclusion of this point is, that universally English has been accepted for relations between countries and external affairs. These things surely give weightage to English to make a global language.
International Business:
In to whole world almost every country is either exporting or importing goods, raw materials,s and ready-made materials to each other.
In this scenario, this business is recognized as a global business, Such kind of business either going between neighboring countries or intercontinental level. Some time far away nations came close on the base of business or External relation.
Such kinds of business activity and deals are going to happen via the English language on the global platform. Though Gulf countries are Arabic during oil-related business they are using English as a language with all over the world countries. Only that way is business going to be possible.
Brazil is famous for production of coffee, Indian spices are famous in the world, and Arabic countries are famous for crude oil and dates. While europe and american nations are popular for advanced technology.
These all countries are interdependent and their most of the works and business deals going to happen on the base of English language.
So this is one the important factor which is well enough to make ‘English’ as a global language.
Most of the time we have to go out of the country either for personal purposes or something related to official work. At that time when we are in an unknown nation where we have no idea about their native language and everything.
In such case, Communication language can be big barrier for most people, But at that time ‘English’ can be a good medium for you. Through that, you can at least communicate with abroad people.
Sometimes people traveling abroad for higher studies or medical treatment in that situation they have to stay in that country for long time. At that time English is the only medium for them to communicate with abroad peoples.
English is helpful during the abroad tour for tourist, where almost all kinds of queries related answers and information we can generate through English.
So through this point, you can understand now how much English is important on the global platform and this thing is surely making it a global language.
Print Or Electronic Media:
Every day we like to read newspapers, where almost all kinds of newspapers are available in various types of languages. Some are into native languages while when we move towards a global platform, English newspaper is always the famous option for us.
So English is again creating monopoly here on print media, where globally peoples likes to read print content through this language.
Same as newspapers mostly worldwide famous books, print content material, etc going published in the English language. For example if any famous Spanish writer writes a book in Spanish, then this book edition will be famous only when it will be published in English.
Because only English can give the global reader to such kinds of other languages book.
Now days, Electronic media is also a favorite platform, where peoples love to read digital content, newspaper and information through other kinds of knowledge source. Such kinds of all information are every day going to publish in English.
So this is again one important factor which is responsible to make English a global language.
Social Media:
On the various types of social media platform like Facebook,Instagram,WhatsApp Peoples are connecting with each other. So obviously chatting and video calling like tasks going to happen between them.
As we know on such social media platforms across the world people are going to interact.
So everyone has their own native language, In such a situation, English is the only language via which they can chat or communicate over video call.
On such social media platform many communities and business organization pages are available. where almost all kinds of information is going to be shared on daily basis.
Such information is mostly going to publish in the English language. Because it is easier to read for everyone’s. So here is one thing we can conclude is that English is the only major language on social media platforms, this thing proves English as a global language.
Education is so vital part of the life, And in to most of the countries either primary or secondary language is English for Education medium.
Also, most higher studies education is available in the English language. As well as research base education totally depends on English language.
So education is also an important factor to make English a global language.
Past Colonization:
As we all knows in the past every country, There was colonization around the world. Where the world mostly under British rule, at that time industrial revolution and colonization had been created a vast impact on the world. From that decades English started to spread out all over the world.
Peoples were attracted to English education and communication at that time. so obviously Publicity and extension both things happened at that time in English.
That’s why colonization on continent is also the major reason through which English has become a global language.
So with the help of all of these points, one thing has cleared that all of these aspects are responsible due to which English going to be considered a global language.
Future of English as a Global Language
Below are some points are well enough to explain what will be the future of English as a global language.
- Education
- Research
- To Access Knowledge
- Informative Sources
As world has accepted English as a global language, so in future most of the countries will deliver education majorly in to English. Where students who are interested in science will mostly learn through English medium.
Also all stream education will be start to give through English, Because arts,culture and science information will be replaced in to English language. As nowadays primary level to higher level education mostly comes under English platform.
All kinds of research-based education and projects will be done through the English language. As globally peoples are getting education through English, This thing will be applicable for higher education like research.
This thing is so true that all scientific research will go through the English language.
Technical and medical education is almost dependent on the English language, And research base works now days going to happen in all education streams. So near future this all things will be under English platform.
To Access Knowledge:
Without knowledge, nothing can go on to results, so in this internet era, people are searching smallest things related to information over internet. So day by day as much English language will be spread on a global platform, that much people will start to access knowledge related content through the English language.
Informative Sources:
In the future, most people will read and generate any kind of information via English content, Like books, newspapers, Specific topic-based print content, etc. These all content will be publish in to English language.
So we can say informative resources will be turn in to English language.So in this way yo have read almost all kinds of aspects related to English which is making this language a global language.
Hope you have well understood as well as you like all of this information. Share this information with your friends and family, Thanks for being with us…………….