Essay “Abortion Argumentative”
In our human social culture, there is a family system that existed around the world, Where everyone’s following some moral values and legal rules. But according to mankind’s history, society concept had been established on the basis of social as well as moral values and after some century all things has been comes under the legal frame.
In this modern era, some delicate personal issues are not limited only to family, And abortion is one of the most important things among them. Now a day’s doing abortion is not as much easier thing as it was before.
Abortion Argumentative Essay in English for Students

You have to give a strong reason and proof to approve your abortion request. Because according to the survey, during the last decades in some countries peoples were convincing women of forceful abortion and the reason behind that was female children.
Discrimination between male and female gender type mentality still exists in some countries and most children are still going to abort for this reason. Also, a single mother is one kind of trend in some countries in most African countries you can see there are several single mothers still awaiting for father of their child.
But in all countries single mother is not a thing of pride and honor, So due to some immoral relationships if women get pregnant then this scenario such women are getting initiated for abortion.
So many young women are feeling guilty because of getting pregnant before marriage from an illegal relationship and Same time they have the biggest fear of social image. Also, social stress is the main reason why such women are getting decisions about abortion. In a country like India, it is not easy and that much respective thing to get pregnant before marriage.
Sometimes husband and wife are not ready for family planning and suddenly, the wife going to be pregnant after getting all contraceptive precautions. In this scenario, they can abort their child but few legal terms and conditions they have to follow before doing that. Because in some countries abortion is strictly prohibited and in some countries, they are given a strict number of attempts by which only they can do an abortion.
In some rare cases of medical complications, the law is allowing for abortion, Because that time situation is going to be like either mother can be safe or her child. Most of the time in such critical conditions patient relatives and doctor teams give preference to saving the mother’s life, such kind of abortion is categorized as a legal and genuine case in the medical background.
Sometimes a child is going to die inside the embryo sac or there may be a fatal fetal abnormality, In both cases, some times doctor can advise the patient for an abortion. Because according to the situation this kind of decision can be best for mother and child.
But when we getting discuss such kind of delicate issues, we always think first about women’s health. Because not only law but also nature is not allowing us to do the maximum time of abortion of women. It can be harmful and long-term effects on women’s health because developing an embryo inside a woman’s womb is not an easy process.
In short, we can say everyone has their own reasons and condition by which they are taking a decision about abortion. But in the end, it is true that no women like to abort her child because being a mother it is so bitter and hard decision for her. So though forcefully and by gender discrimination doing abortion is criminal activity, then also every society should start to respect nature as well as mother and child relations.
Behind doing abortion may have been several reasons, But as per law and women’s health guidelines, Abortion can be good only in medical complications, Otherwise, it should be strictly prohibited. Because it is the main source of gender discrimination and no society can create a healthy atmosphere due to such acts.
The basic purpose of this essay article is only to spread awareness in society about abortion when it is good and safe for women. We don’t have any intention to spread rumors or misinformation into society.